God’s Call to Home-Making

“She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.”

Proverbs 31:27

Homemaking is an art that seems to be going out of style in our modern day. Though culture deems the work of a homemaker as insignificant, I believe it’s eternal value remains very high.

A home is a place where families begin, children grow, conversations are had, lessons are learned, dreams begin, plans are made, passions ignite, tears are cried, friends gather, and so much more.

“I believe that a godly home is a foretaste of heaven. Our homes, imperfect as they are, must be a haven from the chaos outside. They should be a reflection of our eternal home, where troubled souls find peace, weary hearts find rest, hungry bodies find refreshment, lonely pilgrims find communion, and wounded spirits find compassion.”

Jani Ortlund

So much happens within a home, so the call to tend to it must not be taken lightly.

The work of a homemaker can make a vital impact in the lives of so many as long as the work is done for the glory of Jesus.

“[Homemaking is] to plan and shape a home environment that provides our families with both a safe resting place and a launching pad for everything they do in the world.”

Sally Clarkson (The Mission of Motherhood, page 161)

That definition of homemaking is very inspiring, isn’t it? But wait…how does homemaking actually work on a practical level? What does it look like in day-to-day life? I want to answer that question with another question: what do you want your home to be? Your answer will determine what homemaking looks like for you.

The Vision For Your Home

What do you want your home to be?

Maybe you value a fun, exciting, and educational space that your children can thrive in.

Perhaps you desire a home that feels warm, welcoming, and cozy to both your family and guests.

Words like joy, peace, rest, life-giving, inviting, safe, or encouraging may come to mind as well.

I encourage you to jot down one or two sentences that describe the environment you want for your home. Once you have that vision in mind, begin brainstorming practical ways you can make that home a reality. You can even write down some of these ideas too, if you find that helpful!

Homemaking on a Practical Level

You have the vision for your home in mind, you’ve thought of a few ways to make it happen, so let’s discuss a few practical ways to homemake based on words to describe a home.

  • Educational: placing books everywhere, hanging art on the walls, playing classical music in the background, planning trips to museums, exploring nature, establishing a daily reading time.
  • Inviting: planting flowers outside the door, potted plants inside, tidying often, hanging a ‘welcome’ sign.
  • Safe: lots of hugs, intentional conversations, favorite snacks ready, prioritizing family mealtime.
  • Cozy: lighting candles, playing soft background music, hanging family pictures on the walls, warm blankets and comfy pillows available.

Disclaimer: these are just a few ideas that I imagine when I think of these words to describe a home, but they may not be the same for you. I am simply listing some of my thoughts to get you thinking.

Every Home is Different From One Another

No two homes are alike, and that’s the way it should be. Your version of homemaking is distinct from mine, but neither one is necessarily better than the other. The temptation is to compare, but please know that you do not have to make your home in the same way that another person does.

I’ll be honest, it’s so easy for me to compare the design of my little rental farmhouse to those who own their own home and convince myself that I can’t make my home what I’d like it to be because it’s not like theirs.

This is simply not true.

Yes, my house is old, dated, and small, but that only limits me as much as I allow it to.

Please hear this: the size, location, design, or type of house you have does not matter in the end. What truly matters in the eyes of God is your heart behind caring for your household and all who enter your home.

You Set The Tone in Your Home

I was reminded of this recently, and it stung a little bit because it’s so true. You and I, as homemakers, establish the aroma in our homes. This means our words, attitudes, actions, and hearts affect how other people feel in our homes.

The reason I said that this truth stung my heart is because I don’t always set the kind of tone I want in my household, and that saddens me. I’ll be honest…I often play the martyr when it comes to the household chores: washing dishes, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and so on.

But my bad attitude does not create a beautiful aroma in my home, and most importantly, it does not glorify God.

What kind of tone do you want to set for your home? One of peace, joy, love, or welcome? Whatever it is, I encourage you to remember that goal as you go about your homemaking tasks. Doing this helps me keep my attitude in check.

Most importantly, remember this, “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17)

Final Thoughts

I just want you to know, friend, that I wrote this as a reminder to myself. I am by no means perfect in the art of homemaking, nor will I ever be.

My goal is to use these tasks within my home for the glory of the Lord so that all who enter our farmhouse will experience His love and grace. That’s the tone I want here.

I pray this has been some form of encouragement for you. Perhaps as a spark of inspiration, as conviction about attitude (like it was for me), as an uplifting feeling that your work as a homemaker matters, or maybe as a sense of community.

May you, “…look well to the ways of [your] household…”, in whatever form that takes for you, and do it all for Jesus.

May your home be blessed abundantly.

Learn More About the Art of Homemaking

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4 thoughts on “God’s Call to Home-Making

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  1. Thank you. Your site, that I just found today has inspired me. I want to set the tone to reflect a welcoming, loving and nurturing environment. I would like it to be as free of stress as possible. A little heaven on earth. I also have a small farm with quite a few chores awaiting me. I want to do this for my Lord. Have to run but will check back to get more ideas on homemaking. I did just make drop cloth curtains for my barn with no sewing. They do the job and look great!

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