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Stain Remover for Carpets DIY

I utilize stain removers for my carpets on a regular basis. A certain mobile baby boy tends to leave behind trails of spit up as he scampers around the house. But thats ok because I found a homemade solution for cleaning up those messes!

I knew that I didn’t want just any carpet cleaning product from the grocery store. The ones that leave your house smelling for hours after application.I wanted a cleaner that didn’t leave behind harsh chemical residue for baby Elliot to crawl all over. I even use a homemade all purpose cleaner and a clean dusting spray all over the house too!

Carpet cleaners don’t have to be expensive or filled with endless ingredients in order to be effective. And spot treatments for carpets and rugs can be made in your own home! You may even find that these ingredients are already in your kitchen cabinets.

I’ve found that I enjoy spraying the carpet with a homemade, non-toxic linen spray after using this cleaning solution on a stain.

Why I Use Natural Cleaners in My Home

  1. Peace of mind. I want to know exactly what the ingredients are that I use in my home. This cleaner consists of basic items that are safe for every member of the family. Say good-bye to those long lists of ingredients that no one knows how to pronounce (much less know what they are).
  2. Toxicity. Conventional products contain some extremely harsh chemicals. The kinds that you don’t want your children messing with. If our children shouldn’t touch them…why is it “OK” to spray them all over the surfaces of the home?
  3. Cost. This cleaner costs so much less to make than purchasing a cleaner from the grocery store.

How to Make DIY Carpet Cleaner

What You’ll Need


  1. Combine the baking soda, vinegar, and essential oils into a medium size bowl or cup.
  2. Use a spoon to mix the ingredients into a paste.
  3. Apply the paste to the stain and scrub with an old toothbrush or rag.
  4. Allow the paste to dry and vacuum away any leftover residue.
  5. Use a wet rag to remove any further residue that the vacuum left behind.
Before applying the DIY stain remover.
After applying the stain remover and vacuuming away.

How to Use This Carpet Cleaner

Use as spot treatment for stains on carpets and rugs. Make on a ‘as needed’ basis and apply to the stained area.

Allow the paste to sit and dry on the stained area before vacuuming away (about 15-20 minutes). This allows the product more time to soak in the stain.

I suggest vacuuming the spot after the paste is dry and then proceeding to scrub the spot with a damp rag. This will further loosen any particles left on the carpet before vacuuming again.

The Benefits of DIY Carpet Cleaner

The acid in vinegar dissolves stains and also neutralizes odors. Plus look at the rest of these appealing benefits:

If you make this recipe and love how it turned out, feel free to come back and comment about your experience. I’d love to hear about your experience!

Can I Make a Large Batch for Later?

I suggest making small batches on a ‘as needed’ basis. The solution will dry and solidify after some time, so using it as soon as possible would be mot effective.

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