Guarding the Good Deposit

"By the Holy Spirit Who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you." 2 Timothy 1:14 Satan hates the calling that God has placed on my life: the call to serve Him and bring Him glory. This calling, for me, takes on a few specific forms: a homemaker, mama, and wife. He also... Continue Reading →

Am I Blessed Like This? | Oswald Chambers

The following is a devotional, written by Oswald Chambers, that I found particularly inspiring and wanted to share with you today. May these words that he wrote challenge and encourage as you take a moment to ponder them. "Blessed are..." Matthew 5:3-11 "When we first read the statements of Jesus, they seem wonderfully simple and... Continue Reading →

Faith-Not Emotion | Oswald Chambers

The following is a devotional, written by Oswald Chambers, that I found particularly inspiring and wanted to share with you today. May these words that he wrote challenge and encourage as you take a moment to ponder them. "We walk by faith, not by sight"2 Corinthians 5:7 "For a while, we are fully aware of... Continue Reading →

10 Garden-Themed Bible Verses

Every year spring comes gently in on the breeze to warm both the winter-chilled earth and hearts. Mine included. With every spring my mind seems to take a sudden shift towards the garden. I image planting vegetable seeds, prepping beds for flowers, creating a new herb garden, and much more. This time of year fills... Continue Reading →

Good Interest | From this Verse

The following is a devotional, written by Robert J. Morgan, that I found particularly inspiring and wanted to share with you today. May these words that he wrote challenge and encourage as you take a moment to ponder them. "He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back... Continue Reading →

For the Homemaker | Quotes to Encourage

The following are quotes, written by Louisa May Alcott, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and others, that I found particularly inspiring and wanted to share with you today. May the words that these individuals wrote both challenge and encourage as you take a moment to ponder them. “It belittles us to think of our daily tasks as... Continue Reading →

God’s Great Heart | Billy Graham

The following is a devotional, written by Billy Graham, that I found particularly inspiring and wanted to share with you today. May these words that he wrote challenge and encourage as you take a moment to ponder them. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart...and your neighbor as yourself."Luke 20:27 Divine love, like... Continue Reading →

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